Official website of the Grand Charolais (South Burgundy)

  • © G. Ballot/Office de Tourisme de Paray-le-Monial © G. Ballot/Office de Tourisme de Paray-le-Monial

Circuit spirituel de Paray-le-Monial

Pédestre • Paray-le-Monial


Leave from the Tourist Office (1). Go behind the Basilica (at the chevet) then enter the Parc des Chapelains and diorama (2).

It was created to welcome pilgrims after the bicentenary of the Apparitions in 1875. Around 1902, a dome was erected in its centre, where festivities are still held. On the left is the "Diorama", where 18 paintings and scenes in relief present the Apparitions of Christ to the Visitation of Margaret Mary.

On leaving the Parc des Chapelains, turn right into Rue de la Visitation. After the Hôtel de la Basilique on the left, you will find the Pilgrims' Reception Centre (3).
It houses an exhibition of 17th-century religious objects, some of which were used by Marguerite-Marie Alacoque. A film explains the history and current relevance of the message of the Apparitions.

Opposite the pilgrims' reception area is the chapel of the Visitation, known as the Chapel of the Apparitions (4). It was here that the Visitation nun Marguerite-Marie Alacoque received the Apparitions of the Heart of Jesus between 1673 and 1675, authenticated by her confessor, the Jesuit father Claude La Colombière. Marguerite-Marie was canonised by Benedict XV in 1920. Today, people can pay their respects in front of her wax recumbent statue.

Continue along rue de la Visitatation, then turn right into rue de la Paix and avenue de Charolles as far as the chapel of N.D. de Romay (5). This site was used as a stone quarry during the construction of the basilica.

Head back towards the town centre, avenue de Charolles then rue de la Paix. At the crossroads, you will come to the Musée du Hiéron (6). Discover the National Treasure of Joseph Chaumet, jeweller to the whole of Paris, a three-by-three-metre goldsmith's piece depicting the life of Christ, as well as the Romanesque portal of Anzy-le-Duc, Italian paintings from the 17th and 18th centuries, and a collection of modern and contemporary art.

Cross the road to the right of the museum. The Byzantine-inspired La Colombière chapel (7) features mosaics and stained glass windows by the Mauméjean brothers.

Go back towards the museum and then down the rue de la Visitation to the Tourist Office (8).